AMC: How to Win Friends and Influence Employers

What happens when you put forty AMC students in a room together?  They become a family.  That’s why the AMC program is the right one for you.  It becomes more than a program, it becomes a source of never-ending connections, friendships, and amazing experiences.  The AMC program feels like something different.

Friendships are easily gained in AMC

AMC – When you’re here, you’re family!

Before I start, I should preface this by giving you a bit of a backstory.  I started at St. Lawrence College as a mature student.  I didn’t think I was going to fit in and I was terrified.  I had done the whole college thing straight after college and again five years later.  After about five years of working dead-end, minimum wage jobs, I decided to go back to school.  It so happened that I was moving back to my hometown of Kingston, Ontario without any job prospects, so this was a perfect opportunity.  Fast-forward three-ish years and I couldn’t have been happier with my decision.

So why should you choose the AMC program?  Well, if a scared 30-something year old with social anxiety found a place in this crazy world that feels like a second family, then you can too.  Between raising money to build a well in an impoverished community to learning from the top industry experts, to having a faculty that cares tremendously, the AMC program is one of the best. 

Raising money for a good cause

WELL that was a great idea!

Pardon the pun.  In our first-year leadership class, we were tasked with raising money for a charity.  The charity we chose was Charity: water.  To make an impact, we would have to raise $10,000 USD to build a well in an impoverished community somewhere in the world.

After months of events, outreach and one of the best local bands around throwing a kick-ass concert, we did it!  It is one of the proudest moments I have had in my academic career and I am proud of everyone who made it happen.  More importantly, I am excited to be able to provide clean water for a community in need. 

Photo by Sam Balye on Unsplash

No boring profs

One of the best parts of the program is the opportunity to learn from industry experts.  Our profs are the best in the industry and have real world experience, with many of them still working in the field they are experts in.  Having a professor who knows about trends, current marketing tactics, and the growth and evolution of the industry.

This truly makes a difference and provides a better learning experience to the students.  They will also often bring in guest speakers or provide networking opportunities.  This can greatly help in the career trajectory of the student.  Jobs are usually gained based on who the applicant knows. 

Those are a few reasons why I would recommend the AMC program to pretty much anyone.  It has been one of the most rewarding experiences I have done, at least academically.  I have made friends for life and connections that will help me propel my career.  So, do what I know you want to do, apply right now to the AMC program!

Published by soniamortensen

St. Lawrence College Advertising and Marketing student. Avid Traveller. Writer.

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